How We

Mobile OS
Desktop OS
ITP impact
Search engine

How We



Mobile OS

Desktop OS


ITP impact

Search engine



About Us.

About Us.

How We Browse

How We Browse is a web site developed by Semetis. This site is used on a daily basis to benchmark the market and get an idea of the trends in Belgium. Its first version was developed some years ago to show the evolution of the browsing on mobile devices. It fulfilled its role very well until the data shown weren’t relevant anymore. We decided to rebuild it in order to answer today's needs. The principle is to aggregate data from all our clients to anonymize it and being able to show a trend. In this documentation you will find the main features but also a visual guide to understand better the tool Semetis makes available.


In order to navigate easily a big menu is displayed on the left side of your screen. This menu is composed of 9 clusters that represents the metrics displayed. Each of these clusters can be looked at with 5 different time ranges. This allows you to highlight trends over different time ranges.


The metrics we present in How We Browse are: Device categories, Os, Mobile OS, Desktop OS, Browsers, ITP impact, Search engines, Source/Medium and the transactions over the device categories. The metrics viewed can be changed in the left hand side menu.

The Device categories, Os, Mobile OS, Desktop OS, Browser, Search engine and Source/Medium are shown regarding the sessions. We take the most visited items to show today’s trend. For the ITP impact, it is a bit different as we divided the data in two parts, the impacted and the non-impacted browsers. After that it’s the same, we make a ratio regarding the total amount of sessions.

Finally, the Purchase part shows how the transactions are distributed over the different device categories.

But every page comes with a small explanation of the data presented to refresh the user’s mind.

Time ranges

The time ranges are the same for each metric. They are 5:

  • Last month
  • Last 3 months
  • Last 12 months
  • Last year
  • Last 3 years

You can select the desired time range in the top right corner of the site as shown on the previous image.


To have an overview of the time range you are looking at, we have placed widgets on top of the charts. Those widgets show the average value of the data over the time period presented. The number of widgets may vary depending on the screen size and the metric selected.


The chart type varies depending on the metric and the time ranges you are looking at. On time ranges longer than “Last month”, the chart type can be switched from line to stacked bar by clicking the arrows next to the chart.


How We Browse is responsive. Which means that you can without any problem consult our web site on mobile and tablet. The side menu is reachable by clicking on the blue knob in the bottom right corner.